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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AbstractBasicLayer Abstract base class for the actual worker layers.AesCbcLayer AES Layer class.AesCtrLayer AES Layer class.AesEcbLayer AES Layer class.AppendLayer Append the bytes from a file to the current byte stream.AsciiTransportLayer Helper class for encode decode.CoverageIgnore Dummy interface for ignoring classes and methods.FilemergeLayer Mask every byte with data of a given file.GlobalData Class for constant values.GlobalData.Action enum range for Actions.GlobalData.Returncode enum range for return codes.GlobalFunctions Global static functions are stored here.JaStaCry Main JaStaCry class to start.JastacryException My very own JaStyCry exception class.Layer Layer interface for more separation of methods.Md5DesLayer MD5 DES Layer class.RandomLayer Mask every byte with some random data.ReadWriteLayer Read write layer for IO purpose.ReverseLayer Reverse every bits per byte.RotateLayer Rotate every byte by an offset (either positiv or negativ).TransparentLayer A transparent layer just doing nothing with the data.XorLayer Very simple algorithm just to infuse some more complex data rotation.